David nalin's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com How can a Windows mobile client help you? Well, you may be wondering how a Windows mobile client can help you, but if you don't know then the chances are that you don't really understand what it is. Once you know what it is, the benefits become rather obvious. And once you see the benefits you ... http://www.articleheaven.net/how-can-a-windows-mobile-client-help-you-970684.html 07th July 2009 Voip for Windows Mobile The Voip for Windows Mobile platform has been proven very useful in industries that demand overseas communications. This ingenious technology allows our world to connect via phone but through the computer. This service is typically free and can run on mos... http://www.articleheaven.net/voip-for-windows-mobile-970666.html 07th July 2009 What can Windows mobile 6 voip do for you? You might be wondering why you should even bother thinking about getting Windows mobile 6 voip on your smartphone. After all, your phone works just fine as it is, right? You can do all the necessary things on it that you want to, like take pictures and ... http://www.articleheaven.net/what-can-windows-mobile-6-voip-do-for-you-970630.html 07th July 2009 What is Windows mobile voip? You might have heard of Windows mobile voip and it may be just a collection of words and letters. However, Windows mobile voip is set to be the new big thing, so if you have a smartphone it is definitely in your best interests to at least know what it is... http://www.articleheaven.net/what-is-windows-mobile-voip-970622.html 07th July 2009 Why get a Windows mobile softphone? Do you know what a softphone is? You can't decide whether or not you need something until you are absolutely sure about what it is. The word ‘softphone' sounds kind of strange, but it is actually a simple concept and one you have probably already used... http://www.articleheaven.net/why-get-a-windows-mobile-softphone-970599.html 07th July 2009 Google Voice with Windows Mobile Dial Telephony services for Windows Mobile dial are now provided by Google. Using Google's services in conjunction with Windows Mobile devices is useful and easy - you just need a Google account. If you do not already have one, it is as easy to get as clicking... http://www.articleheaven.net/google-voice-with-windows-mobile-dial-969240.html 06th July 2009 Virtual PBX for Windows Mobile 6 SIP PBX, or Private Branch Exchange, is a telephony system used within an organization that runs on a server and is accessible and compatible with the LAN (Local Area Network). Typically, within a PBX, the company has allotted, purchased, or leased a series o... http://www.articleheaven.net/virtual-pbx-for-windows-mobile-6-sip-969210.html 06th July 2009 How Blackberry voip can make your life easier What is Blackberry voip, you are probably wondering. You may have seen the term mentioned somewhere but as far as you can see it really is just a collection of letters after the word "Blackberry" and those letters don't make any sense at all. After all,... http://www.articleheaven.net/how-blackberry-voip-can-make-your-life-easier-966519.html 05th July 2009 What’s the big deal about Blackberry voip? If you have a Blackberry you probably don't know how you ever survived without it. It lets you make and receive cell phone calls, it lets you send and receive emails, read attached files and you can even surf the internet with it. Your Blackberry is mor... http://www.articleheaven.net/whats-the-big-deal-about-blackberry-voip-966493.html 05th July 2009 How your Blackberry softphone can save you money Using a Blackberry is great fun. No matter where you are, as long as you are within reach of the cell phone network you can make and receive calls on your Blackberry as normal, and if you are within range of a wireless internet connection you can also su... http://www.articleheaven.net/how-your-blackberry-softphone-can-save-you-money-966487.html 05th July 2009 Why you should love your Blackberry softphone When you get a Blackberry you are probably all excited about the fact that you will be able to send and receive emails from your cell phone, read files attached to those emails and surf the internet, but you may not even know how your Blackberry can save ... http://www.articleheaven.net/why-you-should-love-your-blackberry-softphone-966482.html 05th July 2009 What’s the big deal about VoIP for Windows mobile? Do you remember how you used to go on holiday and worry that there wouldn't be a cell phone signal? You would stress about how, even though you were going over a weekend, which traditionally aren't the busiest two days of the week, that you wouldn't be a... http://www.articleheaven.net/whats-the-big-deal-about-voip-for-windows-mobile-955361.html 28th June 2009 Automated Phone Systems for Businesses The features of automated phone systems for businesses are very useful and helpful in day to day business transactions. Not only are they useful, they are also easy to operate. This essential piece of technology allows for user-friendly operation, ease of... http://www.articleheaven.net/automated-phone-systems-for-businesses-943649.html 18th June 2009 The Soft Option: Take It Easy With A BlackBerry Softphone You know your BlackBerry is a mobile telephone and you know it can run computer programs, even allowing you to access the internet and your emails, but did you know that a BlackBerry softphone will let you make phone calls for free over the internet? A s... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-soft-option-take-it-easy-with-a-blackberry-softphone-934690.html 13th June 2009 The Juice on Blackberry SIP Being able to call anyone from anywhere in the world via the internet is already a hugely popular method of communication, but BlackBerry SIP goes beyond that. In today's world, where people travel so far and so frequently, it is becoming more and more i... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-juice-on-blackberry-sip-934683.html 13th June 2009 Take A BlackBerry SIP From Your Cup Of Joy A typical BlackBerry SIP situation: you are ecstatic, your cup of joy really is overflowing. You have finally, after ten months of no breaks at all, got out of the office and out to Goa for twelve days of pure, uninterrupted, blissful laziness. Of cours... http://www.articleheaven.net/take-a-blackberry-sip-from-your-cup-of-joy-934675.html 13th June 2009 Softly, Softly: Business Negotiations Via Your BlackBerry Softphone You just got your BlackBerry and it has a softphone installed. It's a BlackBerry Softphone, allowing you to make and receive calls at a fraction of the cost from anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection available. But you have to... http://www.articleheaven.net/softly-softly-business-negotiations-via-your-blackberry-softphone-934670.html 13th June 2009 Get Excited About BlackBerry SIP Are you excited about the possibility of being able to make calls to anywhere in the world from anywhere in the world via BlackBerry SIP? Do you even know what BlackBerry SIP is? No? Well, let's put it this way: if you want to be making those calls fro... http://www.articleheaven.net/get-excited-about-blackberry-sip-934665.html 13th June 2009 BLACKBERRY VOIP OFFERS A FULL RANGE OF SERVICES AT A MUCH LOWER COST If you are a BlackBerry user and you haven't considered taking advantage of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) then now would be a great time to start investigating your options. BlackBerry VoIP can help you save money and open up the world of IP communi... http://www.articleheaven.net/blackberry-voip-offers-a-full-range-of-services-at-a-much-lower-cost-934661.html 13th June 2009 BLACKBERRY VOIP MAKES IT A GREAT TIME TO BE A BLACKBERRY USER If you are one of the millions of Blackberry users out there you may have wondered what all the fuss over BlackBerry VoIP is about. That's because the BlackBerry VoIP market, while not totally overlooked, has been flying below the radar. That is until rec... http://www.articleheaven.net/blackberry-voip-makes-it-a-great-time-to-be-a-blackberry-user-934653.html 13th June 2009 BLACKBERRY VOIP HAS COME OF AGE There is no question that BlackBerry knows how to do email. In fact, this mighty little wonder does email better than any other device. Of course that's what it was designed for. But what about telephone calls? Today's BlackBerry is just as good if not be... http://www.articleheaven.net/blackberry-voip-has-come-of-age-934643.html 13th June 2009 BLACKBERRY VOIP REINVIGORATES INTEREST IN THIS POWERFUL DEVICE With all the excitement surrounding Skype's release of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) for iPhone, Blackberry RIM users may have felt a bit left out. Even though BlackBerry VoIP has been around for some time now, the Skype announcement reinvigorated t... http://www.articleheaven.net/blackberry-voip-reinvigorates-interest-in-this-powerful-device-934638.html 13th June 2009 You Can’t Imagine Everything Your BlackBerry Softphone Can Do For You When you first got your BlackBerry you were probably tremendously happy about it, but what about your BlackBerry softphone? You might be thinking, what's the big deal? It's already a phone, what's the difference? The difference is the difference betwee... http://www.articleheaven.net/you-cant-imagine-everything-your-blackberry-softphone-can-do-for-you-934631.html 13th June 2009 How Can VoIP ATA Help You? Anyone who is interested in setting up a VoIP account needs to have as much information as possible in order to make that decision. One aspect of using VoIP that is very attractive to many people is the fact that by using a VoIP ATA you are able to keep y... http://www.articleheaven.net/how-can-voip-ata-help-you-919234.html 05th June 2009 Where to Find a VoIP Adapter If you have a VoIP account and want to keep your costs low you will probably want to buy a VoIP adapter. A VoIP adapter is a simple device that connects to your home phone and to your modem, enabling you to make and take VoIP calls straight through your o... http://www.articleheaven.net/where-to-find-a-voip-adapter-919200.html 05th June 2009 How to use an adapter, VoIP information for new users VoIP is rapidly becoming the preferred internet telephone service providers around and with its low costs and easy set up it is clear to see why. You don't even have to change your home phone if you don't want to thanks to an adapter. VoIP adapters fit in... http://www.articleheaven.net/how-to-use-an-adapter-voip-information-for-new-users-919177.html 05th June 2009 Save Money With a VoIP Phone Adapter With the financial climate the way that it is all over the world everyone is looking for new and interesting ways to save money each month. Many people have chosen to use a VoIP provider for their telephone line as VoIP (voice over interner protocol) offe... http://www.articleheaven.net/save-money-with-a-voip-phone-adapter-916440.html 05th June 2009 What is an ata VoIP adapter? If you are interested in benefiting from cheaper phone calls (and let's face it who sin't?) you will probably have heard of VoIP. This is a service which uses the Internet and enables people to make and take phone calls to anywhere in the world at a fract... http://www.articleheaven.net/what-is-an-ata-voip-adapter-916385.html 05th June 2009