Cecily's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Important Functions of Cellphones The BlackBerry is a highly powered Smartphone with the ability to process and store data faster than normal cell phone gadgets. Most of these phones are used for different purposes, but the key purpose is communication and data processing and transfer. Th... http://www.articleheaven.net/important-functions-of-cellphones-2366587.html 05th October 2011 Things You Should Know about Smart Phones We all love the new cell phones that have been introduced in the past few years. In fact, we love any kind of cell phone that is a new Smartphone. Let us face it - they are the best new technology out on the market today. Since the Smartphone was released... http://www.articleheaven.net/things-you-should-know-about-smart-phones-2290188.html 21st June 2011 Uses of Mobile Applications for Smart Phones The development of all the mobile phones in the market has changed so much from ten years ago. Back then a mobile phone was just a mobile; you could call and text people, but that was all. There were never any ways in which you could use VIOP calling fro... http://www.articleheaven.net/uses-of-mobile-applications-for-smart-phones-2283851.html 16th June 2011 Mobile Phone Upgrades - Are You Getting The Best Deal? Today the mobile phone has become a major asset in the life of many people. This small device has been used in a lot of places to serve different purposes, from educational to intelligence and top secret operations. However, just like any other machine, i... http://www.articleheaven.net/mobile-phone-upgrades--are-you-getting-the-best-deal-2252880.html 27th May 2011 Life is Easier and Simpler with Smartphone Touch Phones have made our lives easier and simpler than ever before. Having this handheld device has played an important role in our day to day routines. Navigation is the most important change brought about by smartphones. Not only has it saved time, b... http://www.articleheaven.net/life-is-easier-and-simpler-with-smartphone-2243349.html 23rd May 2011 Smart Phones Fill All Needs Nowadays touch screen technology is incorporated into numerous smart phone models. That is just one of the many features that you will have to wade through as you go through the selection process for buying your new phone. Almost everyone in the world has... http://www.articleheaven.net/smart-phones-fill-all-needs-2243348.html 23rd May 2011 Harnessing the Power of the Modern Mobile Phone Mobile Phone manufactures are in a race to produce better and more advanced features for their latest models in an effort to attract customers. Certainly, use of this technology is a sure way to advance oneself; these handy devices have a plethora of func... http://www.articleheaven.net/harnessing-the-power-of-the-modern-mobile-phone-2239115.html 19th May 2011 Smartphone and its Features A phone that offers more advanced features, such as emailing, internet browsing, visual means of communication and high storage facility is commonly referred to as a Touch Phone. Common phones, which offer limited functions like text messaging, limited st... http://www.articleheaven.net/smartphone-and-its-features-2239111.html 19th May 2011 GPS and the Smart Phone GPS stands for global positioning system, which was first developed by the US military. Its relies on a network of satellites that can pinpoint almost any location on Earth. Once GPS became available for civilian use in the 80's, developers found all kind... http://www.articleheaven.net/gps-and-the-smart-phone-2218920.html 09th May 2011 Mobile Phones Now Invaluable Part Of Life With the multitude of mobile phone manufactures today flooding the market with their latest offerings, choosing a phone can seem like a daunting task. So where does one start , perhaps the best place is by first comparing the various service plans, and co... http://www.articleheaven.net/mobile-phones-now-invaluable-part-of-life-2218917.html 09th May 2011 Mobile phones are a human necessity Mobile phones were invented for communication. The smart phone is helpful for people in many ways. The basic phone used to be attached to the wall. It was impossible to carry them to where one wanted. One was restricted in connection to places. The smar... http://www.articleheaven.net/mobile-phones-are-a-human-necessity-2186594.html 14th April 2011 The Development of Smartphones Today’s mobile phone is an electronic device, which has advance capabilities with lots of functions and can be used like a personal computer. This is known as a smartphone. A smartphone is the complete package as it provides you with all the essentials fo... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-development-of-smartphones-2172395.html 07th April 2011 The Power of Touch The key to a smart phone's smartness is its ability to allow the user to access the internet and their personal files online, and on the go. With the rise in new tablet computers the lines have begun blurring between smart phones that are more like mini c... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-power-of-touch-2171624.html 06th April 2011 The Smart Phone Market Race In the market, there are several phone operating system leaders, Android being the largest because of its market share on many smart phones. A close second is Apple’s iOS, which is used on many iPhones, iPads and iPod touch devices as well as the Blackber... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-smart-phone-market-race-2164286.html 04th April 2011 How Blackberry Smartphones have Evolved Blackberry phones are considered as some of the most sophisticated smartphones that are available today. Although the Blackberry phone brand has been on the market for some time, many people have been critical of the smartphone maker’s speed to adapt to t... http://www.articleheaven.net/how-blackberry-smartphones-have-evolved-2158802.html 01st April 2011 Taking a look at some Innovative Mobile Phones If you’re looking to buy a new a mobile phone, which has an impressive and innovative range of features, look no further than the Samsung Zeel. This handset has a very creative design, which reflects how mobile phone manufacturers have to keep impressing ... http://www.articleheaven.net/taking-a-look-at-some-innovative-mobile-phones-2137499.html 23rd March 2011 The Smart Phone has More Additional Features These days, everyone who is familiar with computers is well acquainted with the Windows operation system and its manufacturer, Microsoft. Windows has dominated the market for operation systems, vastly outperforming rivals such as Linux and Mac OS and gobb... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-smart-phone-has-more-additional-features-2129932.html 21st March 2011 Some more knowledge about the mobile phone industry With the Mobile Phones this becoming a necessity of life of all the users, it is too conventional that these mobile phones market can never go out of the business. Knowing these several mobile operative companies keeps developing the latest technology of ... http://www.articleheaven.net/some-more-knowledge-about-the-mobile-phone-industry-2126719.html 18th March 2011 Cell Phones are a Communication Alternative Cell Phones have become easier to buy. Buying one just requires possessing an identity card or voter card to verify one’s identity and completing the paper formalities one can easily get the mobile phones. Mobile phones are part of life. Cell phones are c... http://www.articleheaven.net/cell-phones-are--a--communication-alternative-2126673.html 18th March 2011 The Importance of the Touch Phone Touch Phones have become the first choice of the people of all age groups. They have many advanced features and are available in a maximum of the stores in the market. They are available from a number of name brand companies as well as generic firms. Here... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-importance-of-the-touch-phone-2126668.html 18th March 2011 Widows Mobile: A Substitute for PCs and Laptops The mobile phone industry is changing fast. The early years were ruled by smart phones based on the Symbian operating system. The smart phone did not have advanced features, and it was limited in its functions. The history of the mobile phone has taken a ... http://www.articleheaven.net/widows-mobile-a-substitute-for-pcs-and-laptops-2120004.html 16th March 2011 Microsoft Can Add Newest Features to All our Windows Handsets Microsoft has introduced a new mobile handset know as Windows Mobile 7; they launched this newer handset after they heard about some problems occurring with older Windows handsets. After a total review of customer choices, Microsoft aggregated the various... http://www.articleheaven.net/microsoft-can-add-newest-features-to-all-our-windows-handsets-2113076.html 14th March 2011 HTC Brand Makes Many Models of Smart phones The HTC brand has developed a lot of mobile phone models in the smart phone category. You have a lot of options to choose from. HTC are made for either personal or professional use. The Windows Phone HTC HD 7 smart phone supports many features, such as an... http://www.articleheaven.net/htc-brand-makes-many-models-of-smart-phones-2113073.html 14th March 2011 Windows Mobile Grabs All the Smart Features Today, a smart phone captures all mobile markets. It is growing rapidly day to day. Everyone is interested in purchasing smartphone type mobiles because a smartphone is different from other phones in terms of features and exterior appearances. All of thes... http://www.articleheaven.net/windows-mobile-grabs-all-the-smart-features-2113069.html 14th March 2011 Various features of the Smartphones At the present time, as more and more Smart Phones have started operating in the market, many of the web portals have started to provide the information about these Smart Phones with the appropriate manners. When you go through all the comparisons between... http://www.articleheaven.net/various-features-of-the-smartphones-2112904.html 14th March 2011 Steady Evolution of Mobile Phones There has been a steady evolution of mobile phones since their introduction. In previous times, mobile phones were heavy, bulky, and had minimum features. The average person hardly ever saw one, much less used one. But now the cell phone, once a status sy... http://www.articleheaven.net/steady-evolution-of-mobile-phones-2103830.html 10th March 2011 Comparison between the normal phones and the Smart Phones These days the market is flooded with different mobile companies offering a variety of types and models of smart phones. Nokia, LG, Samsung, and BlackBerry are some of the companies that have had success in this race by coming up with more interesting and... http://www.articleheaven.net/comparison-between-the-normal-phones-and-the-smart-phones-2102987.html 09th March 2011 Smartphone: Computing and Communication in Your Hand A Smartphone is simply a mobile phone that allows you to have both the functions of a cell phone and a computer in one portable device. The Smartphone has no doubt caused a serious revolution in the way people use computers. It gives you access to the int... http://www.articleheaven.net/smartphone-computing-and-communication-in-your-hand-2098984.html 08th March 2011 Windows Phone Fill All Need of Business In Windows Mobile 7you got lots of newer features, it has many of bonus features with different functionality. As new application known as PIN to START, with help of this services you can easy to turn your page on your mobile home screen. This is one feat... http://www.articleheaven.net/windows-phone-fill-all-need-of-business-2096701.html 07th March 2011 Windows Mobile is Spartan Nature In any category of smartphone, windows become much fresh look, much aggressive to other features mobile phones. As compare to iphone class, windows mobile is fresh one approach to the different mobiles interfaces phone. In Windows Mobile 7, every thing is... http://www.articleheaven.net/windows-mobile-is-spartan-nature-2096699.html 07th March 2011 Changes on Windows Mobile 7 The Microsoft Company has come up with the home Windows Mobile 7. This phone is an advancement of the home windows cellular platform. There is a rumor that this phone will make its debut on 21st October 2010 and will later be launched in the US market a m... http://www.articleheaven.net/changes-on-windows-mobile-7-2096697.html 07th March 2011 Google and Windows Phone 7 Google is arguably one of the hugest search engines that is applicable in all apparatus. Google has successfully edged out its rivals in terms of performance acceptability. Google has come up with search apparatus that are compatible with the Windows Phon... http://www.articleheaven.net/google-and-windows-phone-7-2096694.html 07th March 2011 A Force to Reckon with Windows Phone HTC HD7 In the past people would purchase mobile phones simply for communication. Areas such as entertainment and office documents were handled very separately. Times have changed and the demands of the business world have called for better and greater inventions... http://www.articleheaven.net/a-force-to-reckon-with-windows-phone-htc-hd7-2096692.html 07th March 2011 SMART PHONE FEATURES – UPLINK AND DOWNLINK This title is not familiar with most of us. Is it? But this feature plays a key role in smart cell phone’s application. Here we can see what this is? And why our smartphones are using this technology. HSDPA & HSUPA This term stands for high speed... http://www.articleheaven.net/smart-phone-features--uplink-and-downlink-1980162.html 24th January 2011 Buying Ideas for Smart phone If you're buying a Smartphone as a holiday gift for yourself or someone else, there are several considerations. If the recipient is already using a PDA, then operating system is something to think about. If they're already using a Palm device, for example... http://www.articleheaven.net/buying-ideas-for-smart-phone-1948658.html 12th January 2011 Smart Phone and its characteristics The Cell Phones were introduced in 1983. Since then, near about thousand models of such phones have come in the market. Among these devices, some are more sophisticated and are built for acquiring more features. These highly sophisticated cell phones with... http://www.articleheaven.net/smart-phone-and-its-characteristics-1947157.html 12th January 2011 The pros and cons of smart phones The smart phones are the most advanced phones in today’s world. The number of using the smart phones is increasing day by day. There are lots of features are available in the smart phones which can make a great difference from the traditional no-touch pho... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-pros-and-cons-of-smart-phones-1945702.html 11th January 2011 The Amazing New Windows Mobile 7 with the Latest OS The operating system of the latest Windows Mobile 7 performs dynamically. The OS resize the components of the interface and make them simpler to hit by prioritizing them. This is not all; the scrollbars, close buttons, title, and status bar and icons can ... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-amazing-new-windows-mobile-7-with-the-latest-os-1937859.html 07th January 2011 A Latest Genre of Mobile Phone Called Windows Mobile 7 Microsoft is one of the most eminent brands which are known for including some highly effective technologies in their products. Microsoft has done a lot in the field of computers. However its effectiveness could now be felt in the mobile phone industry as... http://www.articleheaven.net/a-latest-genre-of-mobile-phone-called-windows-mobile-7-1937858.html 07th January 2011 The smart phone the king of all mobiles There is a new trend that is happening around the world, and people are switching from one cell phone to another cell phone to feel the thrill and excitement of technology. All you need to do is identify the correct cell phone which can change your lives.... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-smart-phone-the-king-of-all-mobiles-1922451.html 28th December 2010 How to choose a good smartphone for your use The world is fast moving with many new thing invented in the market every day, the technology plays an important role the economic welfare on a country. The mobiles phones are a great idea of invention to support and improve our communication with lighten... http://www.articleheaven.net/how-to-choose-a-good-smartphone-for-your-use-1894903.html 11th December 2010 How the Personal Digital Assistant works The Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) is also known as palmtop computer. It is a hand held device with the combination of fax, telephone, computing, networking features and internet. One can use the PDA Phones like a simple mobile phone, web browser, perso... http://www.articleheaven.net/how-the-personal-digital-assistant-works-1894896.html 11th December 2010 What a Phone is Blackberry The new generation smartphones have become the nerve of every consumer. They are liked by everyone due to their convenient features and attractive recommendations. These are the gorgeous phones that have completely changed the scenario of the mobile phone... http://www.articleheaven.net/what-a-phone-is-blackberry-1894890.html 11th December 2010 The main operating system of the Smart Phones Smart phones are actually a revolution in the world of mobile phones. It connects us with the world within a few seconds. These phones are like a computer which can be kept in pocket. Like the computer the smart phones are also has Central Process Unit, a... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-main-operating-system-of-the-smart-phones-1894871.html 11th December 2010 Go for the smart phone If you are getting bored with your Cell Phone and want to have much innovative and cool phone, smart phone is the best choice for you. This is fact that every gadget freak love to have this gadget in their collection. There are many persons who are get us... http://www.articleheaven.net/go-for-the-smart-phone-1894813.html 11th December 2010