Josh D. Simon's Articles en-us Divorce Magazine Publisher Interviewed on Bronfman Divorce Celebration Leave it to the larger-than-life Bronfman's to shed a decadent light on one of the divorcing world's lesser known, but arguably the most interesting -- and according to experts, emotionally intelligent -- trends: Divorce celebrations with both (soon-to-be... 10th June 2011 5 Valentine's Day Survival Tips for Divorced People Marketing-inspired images of lovers exchanging heart-shaped boxes of chocolate, advertisements that invite couples to escape for a romantic getaway for two, and pretty much everything else to do with Valentine's Day can paint a picture that is painfully a... 18th February 2011 Divorce Magazine Publisher on Huffington Post's New Divorce Section As reported by Divorce Magazine last month, the The Huffington Post has launched a divorce section to help its readers make it through the often scary, expensive and traumatic process of divorce. And one the new section's first prospective contributors i... 26th November 2010 Do You Need a Financial Advisor During Divorce? During divorce, retaining the services of a qualified and compassionate family lawyer can be the best - and most influential — decision you'll make. Yet in addition to legal advice and support, you might need in-depth financial guidance, too. If so, the... 20th June 2010 The Good Divorce The "good divorce" is not an oxymoron. The simple truth is that while there are bad divorces, there are also good ones. And it's never too late to have a good divorce. My older daughter got married twenty-five years after her father and I divorced. A lar... 12th February 2010 What My Family Did for My Divorce How is your family affecting your divorce -- in a positive or negative way?This is a fictional account of two marriages that explores how the behavior of families can affect the experience of divorce. Sheila and Carrie have been friends since grade school... 09th February 2010 It's Your Life, Take Charge! Here are some practical suggestions on how to make your divorce easier and less adversarial -- so you and your children can move on with dignity and respect. We need to learn how to have a more amenable divorce, especially when there are children involve... 08th January 2010 Guys Only Guide to Divorce - WHAT ABOUT THE KIDS? What are the signs that my kids are having trouble? The Guys-Only guide to Getting Over Divorce and on with LIFE, SEX, and RELATIONSHIPS by Sam J Buser PhD & Glenn F. Sternes PhD. Reactions to divorce among children may be sudden and obvious, or more pe... 04th January 2010 New York Divorce Law What are the grounds for divorce in New York? If you are a resident of the state of New York, four of the grounds in New York divorce law are based on "fault" of one of the parties. They are: 1) cruel and inhuman treatment; 2) abandonment for one or m... 23rd December 2009 New Jersey Divorce Law What are the grounds for divorce in New Jersey? Although New Jersey divorce law has both fault and no-fault grounds, in most cases, fault has no bearing on how marital assets will be divided. In rare cases, the court may consider the grounds for divorce... 18th December 2009 Ontario Divorce Law The Divorce Act is a federal law made by the Parliament of Canada, administered equally across all provinces and territories. Only the superior court of each province has jurisdiction to deal with a Petition for Divorce, in Ontario divorce law. The Act s... 15th December 2009 Illinois Divorce Law What are the grounds for divorce in Illinois? Prior to 1984, Illinois divorce law required residents to show "fault" (such as adultery or cruelty) as a basis for proving marriage breakdown. The Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act now allow... 11th December 2009 Texas Divorce Law What are the grounds for divorce in Texas? A divorce may be granted under Texas divorce law using either "Fault" or "No-Fault" grounds. Fault grounds include: (1) adultery; (2) abandonment; (3) confinement for incurable insanity for three years; (4... 11th December 2009 Florida Divorce Law What are the grounds for divorce in Florida? "Dissolution of marriage" is the legal term for ending a marriage in Florida divorce law. A dissolution of marriage is the legal act of terminating a marriage through a court action. The Florida Dissolution o... 10th December 2009 Tiger Woods apologizes for affair with L.A. waitress. Golf legend Tiger Woods posted a public apology for his past extramarital affairs on his website yesterday, following a week of media scrutiny about his personal life."I have let my family down, and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart,... 09th December 2009 Recent Canadian Divorce Statistics Here's a sampling of more recently available statistics on marriage and divorce in Canada: •There were 71,269 divorces in Canada in 2005, or a rate of 220.7 per 100,000 population. •About 38% of marriages end in divorce before the 30th anniversary.... 30th November 2009 Sarah Palin's memoir discusses divorce rumors JUNEAU, AK -- With great fame comes a lot of gossip and rumor. Public figures are always subject to speculation about their personal lives, some of it unfounded and some of it hinting at lifestyles a press agent wouldn't bring up. Our celebrity culture ob... 24th November 2009 No-Fault Divorce Turns 40 It's with unintentional irony that we note the 40-year anniversary of something that, according to some, has enabled fewer anniversaries -- of the wedding kind -- over the last four decades than anything else: no-fault divorce. Before No-Fault Divorce ... 19th November 2009 Texas court rules gay couple can divorce DALLAS -- A surprise court ruling from last week has heated up the gay-marriage debate in the state of Texas. A Dallas judge has permitted a gay couple, who had married in another state, to get a divorce even though Texas has banned gay marriage. Judge T... 15th October 2009 Hulk Hogan finally settles acrimonious divorce with wife. After 20 months of bickering, haggling, and nasty accusations, the Hogans have finally cut a deal. Wrestling superstar Hulk Hogan and his wife of 25 years, Linda Bollea, came to a settlement today in a Clearwater, Florida court. A short hearing -- during ... 25th September 2009 Rhode Island Attorney General files for divorce PROVIDENCE -- Patrick Lynch evidently wants to tie up a loose end or two before he runs for governor of Rhode Island. The state's Attorney General is getting a divorce from his estranged wife, Christin, from whom he reportedly separated in 2004. The Lync... 25th August 2009 Nevada judge may break seal on governor's divorce case RENO -- When Nevada governor Jim Gibbons divorced his wife last May, he took advantage of a 77-year-old statute that said that one party in a divorce could seal the divorce records from the public and hold the proceedings behind closed doors. His wife, Da... 04th August 2009 U.S. president-to-be Barack Obama is a child of divorce WASHINGTON -- Countless words have already been written about the racial barrier broken in the recent U.S. federal election. Barack Obama, who will be sworn in as the 44th president on January 20, is the first African-American to be elected to the nation'... 23rd July 2009 Usher Files for Divorce 30 year-old global R&B megastar Usher Raymond IV - better known simply as "Usher" - has filed for divorce from his 38 year-old wife Tameka Foster Raymond. While news of Usher's June 12 divorce petition may be sending shockwaves through his legions of fan... 16th July 2009 Former Tennessee House Speaker Jimmy Naifeh divorced last summer KNOXVILLE -- With the numerous public scandals and other news concerning politics and marital or sexual relationships over the years, you wouldn't think that the divorce of a state's major power couple would go unnoticed by the media for long. Yet it wasn... 07th July 2009 Georgia mother of 11 claims domestic abuse in divorce case BURKE COUNTY, GA -- Last summer, authorities discovered 11 siblings who had been isolated and maltreated by their parents, raised in a home with no water or electricity and not permitted to attend school. Now, after the imprisonment of the father and the ... 18th June 2009 Arizona divorce law may punish adulterers again PHEONIX -- Last week, the media reported that conservative state lawmakers in West Virginia were pushing new legislation to deny spousal support to divorcing spouses who'd committed infidelity. Now, Arizona Family Law has jumped on the bandwagon too. Rep... 07th June 2009 Tips on having a great marriage. Hope. It's what gets us out of the bed in the morning and keeps us putting one foot in front of the other. But for those going through divorce, hope can be elusive. We'd like to share our personal tips for a successful marriage and hope that they can hel... 04th June 2009 How to Avoid a Divorce When You and Your Spouse Have Differing Political Views Many personal relationships suffer during political races when couples hang on ferociously to opposing political views. This year's run for the White House will be more contentious than ever. No couple has to ruin his or her relationship or cause a perman... 20th May 2009 California divorce case may change rules on financial discovery CALIFORNIA -- A 2007 appellate divorce case has brought recent light to the subject of full financial disclosure in California divorce law. In In re Marriage of Feldman, a businessman did not disclose certain assets and financial transactions to his wif... 13th May 2009