Weight Loss's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Weight Loss Diet Radiofrequency Assisted Lipoplasty A Liposuction Alternative One popular alternative to liposuction is Radiofrequency Assisted Lipoplasty. This new medical procedure for treating fat and cellulite is a way for patients to see dramatic results in a relaxing way with no downtime. Using a form of radio frequen... http://www.articleheaven.net/weight-loss-diet-radiofrequency-assisted-lipoplasty-a-liposuction-alternative-918076.html 05th June 2009 Weight Loss Diet Reduce Risks of Cancer The American Cancer Society Suggests you get to and maintain a healthy weight, exercise vigorously at least 30 minutes a day (preferably 45 to 60 minutes) and eat healthy diet including at least 5 or more servings of a wide variety of fresh fruit and raw ... http://www.articleheaven.net/weight-loss-diet-reduce-risks-of-cancer-891506.html 14th May 2009 Weight Loss Diet Use Your Mind to Stop the Diet Wars If you have lived the majority of your life overweight, you've most likely tried countless weight loss programs, weight loss diets and a healthy dose of drugs and pills to boot. Anyone who has gone through these experiences know that the ultimate "di... http://www.articleheaven.net/weight-loss-diet-use-your-mind-to-stop-the-diet-wars-891488.html 14th May 2009 Weight Loss Diet Beyonces Little Diet Secret To Lose 22 Pounds In 14 Days With so many weight loss claims out in the market, it's hard to find one that is not a scam. Sadly, I have been scammed several times, that I am totally skeptical with any commercials I see on TV. Instead, I choose to believe nothing but my eyes and fa... http://www.articleheaven.net/weight-loss-diet-beyonces-little-diet-secret-to-lose-22-pounds-in-14-days-884062.html 11th May 2009