Neil Becker's Articles en-us How to Lose Weight With The Paleo Diet A lot of research has been done over the last few years into what is making people more and more obese. Doctors and scientists used to think that it was a simple matter of people eating too many calories and fat and so gaining weight. But recent findings ... 04th February 2011 The Benefits of Eating Paleo and Primal Food An increasing number of people are becoming interested in palaeolithic, primal, stone-age or cave-man diets and exercise regimes. It is proving to be one of the best ways to lose body fat and help people achieve the healthy and fit bodies they desire. It ... 04th February 2011 Lose Weight Without Portion Control Many people are under the impression that in order to lose weight and get healthy that they need to count how man calories they are eating and that they need to control how large their portions are. But the amazing fact is that once you are eating the rig... 04th February 2011 Does Muscle Milk Contain a Dangerous Neuro-Toxin? If you are at all interested in building more and bigger muscles then you are sure to have come across the nutrition supplement industry that promises all kinds of results and improvements by buying and taking their supplements. One of the latest is a pro... 04th February 2011