lance winslow's Articles en-us Entertainment Adds Spices of Joy and Pleasure to Social Ceremonies and Parties Entertainment has become synonymous with social ceremonies and corporate events. Parties without rational or irrational entertainment remain as dull as dodo. What keeps a party in full swing and sways the mood of the attendees is an entertaining medium th... 15th June 2009 Bring Back Treasured Moments with Ruby Wedding Gifts and Golden Wedding Gifts The traditional view of the wedding gifts was to help the newlywed couple to settle in their new home. Those who are invited bring gifts for the bride and groom. When giving wedding gifts, you should take into account the tastes and preferences of both th... 11th June 2009 Organize Your Events Beautifully with Evenementenbureau Event can be anything from a meeting to a concert, a beauty pageant to a road show, a wedding to the launch of a new product- any occasion can be called an event. Arranging an event is not easy, it takes a hell lot of things to be considered and taken car... 18th May 2009 Learn salsa with fun, be it a classroom or a workshop Salsa is a Spanish word which means sauce. Salsa can be of two types. One is, a partner dance and another is a performance dance. The dancers don't need to use the enire stage. Salsa workshops are arranged time to time throughout the world. The chief aim ... 07th April 2009 All you want is a spectacular evenement; all we deliver is a lifetime experience We are a client-oriented evenementen organisator. We are well-equipped with the necessary resources like, technology, infrastructure and manpower. Our resources are enriched with expertise and experience. Be it a small evenement like a family reunion or a... 27th March 2009