Rob Buehl 's Articles en-us TV Lifts and Safety Did you know that every day, approximately 40 young children are taken to hospital emergency rooms with injuries suffered as a result of a heavy piece of furniture falling on them? Furthermore, TV sets were the most common item associated with tip-over i... 06th June 2009 DTV and TV lifts We've all seen the ads…digital TV is coming! First, it was February, 2009. Then, it was moved to June 12th…the FINAL deadline for terminating analog broadcasts under legislation passed by Congress. What is it, why is it happening, and should you ge... 03rd June 2009 Channeling Your TV Viewing with Beauty and Ease – with TV lifts! According to the A.C. Nielsen Co., Americans on average view 4+ hours of TV daily. That translates to 28 hours per week, or 2 months of nonstop TV-watching annually! Which means 65-year old Uncle Joe will have spent an unbelievable 9 years glued to the ... 17th April 2009 Secret Agent TV Lift Secret agent movies are awesome. The whole lifestyle of a movie secret agent is like a complete fantasy: fighting crime, beautiful women, traveling around the world, and the gadgets are the best toys that have ever been made. Cars that shoot rockets, watc... 30th March 2009 Do You Need More Than One TV Lift? How many TVs do you have? If you're an average American, you probably have at least three televisions in your home. Some people might find it excessive to have more than one TV, but then some people don't know how to live well. Having a TV in the living r... 25th March 2009 How To Get A Metropolitan Look From A TV Lift The metropolitan look: what does it mean? Metropolitan is defined in the dictionary as "characteristic of its inhabitants, especially in culture, sophistication, or in accepting and combining a wide variety of people" So what we mean by metropolitan is a ... 25th March 2009 Put Your TV Lift At The Foot Of Your Bed So you've purchased a TV lift from and now you want to know the best place to put the TV lift cabinet. Well, there are so many great places in your home that a LCD TV lift or Plasma TV pop-up can go, that we'll focus on just one spot t... 25th March 2009