Alex Brown's Articles en-us Tips for Good Photography Many people throughout Australia love nothing more than taking great photos of various subjects. The trouble is that everyone is always looking for ways to improve their skills and start taking even better photos! That's why so many people are searching ... 10th June 2009 Portraits Photography Gladstone & Hervey Bay We often take portrait photographs even if we don't realise it, the photos that we take of our children, parents, teachers and friends are normally portrait photographs. But how can you make sure you're taking great quality portrait photos? Good Portra... 15th May 2009 Travel Photography in Australia "While there is perhaps a province in which the photograph can tell us nothing more than what we see with our own eyes, there is another in which it proves to us how little our eyes permit us to see." Dorothea Lange These words ring true every time you... 16th April 2009