Ashish's Articles en-us Guinness World Records Is Set To Hit The TV Screens On 18th March! Colors Channel is all set to start its most happening show of all times! The channel is going to air the most adventuresome program, Guinness World Records - Ab India Todega from 18th of March. The show is going to make its debut on Indian television. Int... 25th March 2011 Follow Your Favorite Bollywood Celebrities On Twitter In Steady and Systematic Manner Any idea why so many Bollywood Celebrities are on Twitter? The obvious answer to this question is POPULARITY! Are you still thinking? Ok tell me, what brings popularity to a star? Some may say work and performance; others may reply appearance, looks, and ... 01st March 2011 Amitabh Bachchan Tweets His Estrangement With IIFA Bachchans and IIFA have got estranged and Amitabh Bachchan who has been IIFA Awards Ambassador will not be attending the Awards ceremony to be held in Toronto this year. "Not coming to Toronto IIFA.. IIFA says my services are not required.." tweeted Bachc... 21st February 2011 Preity Zinta Tweets About Her Debutant Show On The Small Screen! After the super stars like Big B, SRK and Salman, Preity Zinta is landing on the small screen! Big B and SRK made their presence on the small screen through the KBC platform, Salman became the boss in Bigg Boss- season 4, and now it is our own bubbly, dim... 21st February 2011 Justine Bieber Crossed 7 Million Twitter Followers The follower count of Justin Bieber, the Canadian pop-R&B singer who is always on the "MY WORLD TOUR" has passed above 7 million recently and is skyrocketing continuously! Crossing 7 million followers made his fans add #7MillionBeliebers - hashtag to the... 21st February 2011 Have Fun and Frolic with 3D Movies The recent success of mega blockbuster movie Avatar has brought up the fact that 3D flicks and revolutionary trends are here to stay with a fresh era of 3D charm and appeal. The 3D movies are absolutely captivating as they are quite real in nature and exh... 21st January 2011 Bollywood Stars - The Main Twitter Attraction for Casual Internet Surfers Stars do take away the vital spaces of our lives and we don’t even understand that! I never agreed with this but now I really do! People don’t just admire stars but love them, respect them and indeed see God in them. And Reliance Communication was smart e... 17th January 2011 Explore the difference between 3D and 2D Flicks in a matter of minutes The big banner studios and branded television manufacturers are all advertising 3D as the must watch and must have electronics for all the buffs impressed by the technology. Ask those who have small children at home and frequently ask the elders to wa... 12th January 2011 The Most Popular Indian Celebrity Tweeter Crown Goes to… Are you a tweeter? And are you following celebrities on Twitter? Great, this means you can answer my simple question. So tell me who is the most popular Indian Tweeter? Let’s make it simpler. Ok, come on tell me who is the most popular Indian Celebrity Tw... 22nd December 2010 Why It is Fun to Watch Indian Celebrities Tweeting? Have you ever got indulged in Celebrity Stalking? Well, I don’t mean actually on your feet, but I’m pretty sure you have done that figuratively and this is what most of us do! If not then why even the news channels talk about the celebrities and their per... 30th November 2010 Bollywood Celebs on Twitter I had a crazy friend at my high school, well she wasn't really crazy, but yeah, she really was crazy after Shahrukh Khan!! Believe me, you won't find such a fan, as she was. She never missed any of his movies, even when the exams used to hang like the swo... 26th November 2010 What Indian Celebrities are tweeting now days? Twitter is the current hype of the networking world. It’s a wide awesome platform to ride through various Indian celebrities and know what their minds are tweeting all about. But the worrisome matter is that Twitter is a place where one can get cluttered ... 04th October 2010 What Makes Tweet Idol The Best Twitter Application For The Indian Tweeples? Twitter has come up as the latest tradition of the world which people are following quite religiously. Different people have different feelings for this newly formed tradition. Some revere it, some adore it, some find it cool, and some simply can't live ... 18th July 2010