Sallingo's Articles en-us Introduce With a new world of entertainment with Online Television A pre-teen with loads of study pressure, a teenager with lots of time to entertain, a service holder with busy time schedule, a housewife with enough free time - television is such a provocative mass medium which has successfully penetrated millions of mi... 04th January 2010 Want to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home? Consult a Pastel Artist The pastel artist is one who imprints his innovative skill and years of experience through pastel art. He illustrates attractive paintings on differently colored bases; redefine textures and shapes of pastel strokes. The quality of these paintings is to s... 02nd November 2009 Dallas Pastel Artists Help You to Redefine the Aesthetic Beauty of Your Home The artists who are more interested in landscape paintings; pastel is a resourceful and thrilling medium for them. The vibrant colors and the facility to change through layering techniques provide artists to express their thought process fullest. They use... 02nd November 2009