prashree's Articles en-us Cell Phone Fallen in Water? Here Is What You Should Do We have our mobile phones on us all through the day, and there are many instances in a day where the cell phone is exposed to dangerous situations. Like all electronic devices, cells need to be kept away from water, places that are radioactive, and some p... 16th March 2011 Three Aspects to Consider Before Signing Up the Cell Phone Contract Cell phone contracts are prevalent in many parts of the world, where the use of electronic devices is high. A cell phone contract is both advantageous and disadvantageous to the user as well as mobile service provider, but the user can certainly make sure... 02nd February 2011 Your Lifestyle, Your Phone - Finding the Right Cell Phone For You The cell phone market has seen a great increase since the past few years. Today, there are several options for anyone who would like to buy a cell. A person can decide which cell they wish to buy depending on the features and services that they would like... 18th August 2010 Why You Should Not Buy Unbranded Mobile Phones The demand for mobile phones has brought many new players into the mobile market since the past few years. For example, just a decade ago there just three major players in the cell phone market, but the number is on the rise. This is good news as well as ... 09th August 2010 Three Logical Reasons a Cheap Cell Phone is a Good Idea The cell phone has become one of the most used electronic devices in the world today. People from all walks of life use a mobile for various purposes. Right from babysitting to keeping in contact with friends and colleagues, the mobile has done it all. Al... 09th August 2010 The Milestone - Motorola Android Phone With the enhancement and progress of telecommunication technology, there is bound to be newer, better cell phones which offer a better user experience for the end user. One of the most important aspects that decide the user experience is the operating sys... 03rd June 2010 Great Cell Phones - Motorola MING There are some cell phones that are designed just for designing sake, and then there are those phones that are made as an endeavor to change the way the world looks at mobile phone designing. Of course, there have been several phones like these, and Motor... 03rd June 2010 Cell Phone Games - Do You Require Them? The telecommunication industry has grown vastly since the past few years. Almost everyone has begun using the device, and because of this the market has become a buyer's market instead of as seller's market. With the advent of new technology and new featu... 29th May 2010 QWERTY or Touch? - What Would You Prefer? The world of cell phones has changed a lot. From the common 10 digit keypad to the QWERTY and the touch, you have options. What would you prefer? With the enhancements of technology and changes in customer mindset, mobile phone manufacturers have bee... 13th May 2010 Bad Cell Phones: What Makes a Cell Phone Bad? Ever read about those good cell phones that become bad because they have that single fundamental flaws? Read on about some of those flaws. Cellphones are like relationships, you never know what it is bad about the person unless you have spent some time... 13th May 2010 How to Save on your Cell Phone Bill A hefty cell phone bill at the end of the month can harry any one up. Here are some ways in which you can cut down your bill drastically. Owning a cell phone is a great way to be in contact with your friends and family. However, like every other device t... 06th May 2010 Expand Your Workforce With Business Cell Phones Gone are the days, when a cell phone was only limited to taking calls. The era of multi-tasking is in existence. Each and every aspect of our life has more than one function to perform and so do our cell phones. Our cell phones have become multi-functi... 19th April 2010