Robby's Articles en-us Two Week Workout To Get Fit, Feel Great - Say Goodbye To Size Worries Prom is quickly approaching and while you may have the best prom dress, do you have the right body for it? With just a few weeks to go, you do not have time to take on a large-scale diet and exercise regimen to improve your body. You can do several things... 16th August 2009 Getting In Shape For Prom Night Dancing Prom night is filled with many things, including a lot of dancing. As you consider getting your body in shape for this special day, you may want to do some specific things to give yourself the energy and stamina that you will need for all the dancing you ... 04th August 2009 Sexy Hair And Amazing Makeups To Go With Your Prom Dress You want to look your best when you are dressing for the prom, and one of the first places you should look is your make up. Many young people make the mistake of thinking they need to overdo their make up in order to set up their complexion, but this is t... 01st August 2009 Prom Tips - Steer Clear Of Too Much Makeup For The More Natural Look Makeup is often one of those things you can have too much of. The latest fashion trends are all the same. They all say that less is more. Having just enough make up gives you that amazing look you are after without making it look fake or overdone. As you ... 31st July 2009 Prom - How Can It Be So Exciting And So Scary At The Same Time? As you begin to plan for prom, you may start to feel excited about this special day. You may also become very frustrated, worried and overwhelmed. How can one day be so amazing and yet so scary at the same time? As you consider the way you are feeling, re... 16th July 2009 Premiere One Of These 5 Classic Styles For Your Prom Night When it is time for the prom you want just the right dress. This may be one of the few times your parents will forego cost, and let you buy the dress of your dreams. This is especially true if it is your Senior Prom because you will not have another chanc... 16th July 2009 Find The Prom Dress Of Your Dreams Now that you are looking for a prom dress, do not make the mistake of choosing just any dress you find. Rather, take the time to find a dress that you love. Prom is a very important day, one that you will remember for years to come. Take your time when se... 29th June 2009 I'm Not That Into The Whole Prom Thing - Will I Regret Not Going? Prom is a special time in your life. Not everyone looks forward to prom, though. Does this mean that you are weird or that you are going to regret not going? Unfortunately, this is a decision that many girls (and guys) have to make on their own. No one ca... 26th June 2009 How Do I Choose Between A Popular Guy And A Not-As-Cool Good Friend For Prom? For some ladies, too many requests to take you to prom might be a problem. What would you do if your good friend invited you to go to prom and then another guy, a cool guy, did so, too? When you have to make a decision like this, there are many things to ... 15th June 2009 Get It All Together From The Table To The Floor Prom is a time for elegancy and sophistication. It is a day of impressing your peers and showing just what a young lady you are or a young man you have become. Before this special day arrives, be sure you are ready. You will need to be organized and you n... 14th May 2009 Get Gorgeous: Beauty Cheats That Really Work When you are running short of time or just want to find easier ways to do things. The idea of beauty cheats is nothing new but has become a more accepted way of achieving the same results than it has been in the past. One of the best cheats is that of cre... 12th May 2009 Are You Ready For Prom - The Ultimate Checklist Are you ready for the big day? Prom is an all-important event and everyone is anxious and yet excited about it. The problem is, all that excitement may cause you to forget a few things along the way. There are many item to remember for prom. The most impo... 16th April 2009