Justin Arnold's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Inside Product Photography Advice: Photographing Camera Equipment An overlooked area within the field of product photography is the camera itself. Camera equipment and photography equipment poses a unique challenge to the product photographer, which is yet another reason why it's safer not to attempt your catalogue phot... http://www.articleheaven.net/inside-product-photography-advice-photographing-camera-equipment-2378086.html 18th October 2011 Dealing With The Challenges Of Mobile Phone Mast Letting In recent history the rise to dominance of the mobile phone has changed every day life from the way we communicate to the way we check for information and even store date. Since the turnaround in the economy phone companies have in the past few years been... http://www.articleheaven.net/dealing-with-the-challenges-of-mobile-phone-mast-letting-2183107.html 13th April 2011 Packshot Photography - Getting Your Teeth Into Primal Instincts If you needed any persuading as to the value and importance of packshot photography then it's important to look back a little in time. No, further than that. Quite a bit further - several thousand years in fact. Because to appreciate how we operate, react... http://www.articleheaven.net/packshot-photography--getting-your-teeth-into-primal-instincts-2137230.html 23rd March 2011 Packshot Photography Tips - Let There Be Light! What is the single most important aspect of quality packshot photography? Selling products effectively through the use of a catalogue photo or packshot photograph requires a whole raft of skills and techniques, but if you had to select the one factor whic... http://www.articleheaven.net/packshot-photography-tips--let-there-be-light-2136444.html 23rd March 2011 Pack Photography - The Art Of Talking Without Words It may be a terrible cliché, but if a picture paints a thousand words, pack photography can shift stock. There's just no other way of looking at it. If you want to sell a product then it is essential to make sure that the catalogue photo works as hard as ... http://www.articleheaven.net/pack-photography--the-art-of-talking-without-words-2134613.html 22nd March 2011 Why Brochure Photography May Be Both An Art And A Science Is brochure photography an art or a science? That might seem like quite a simple question, and the chances are that if you ask the average brochure photographer whether he is an artist or scientist he will almost certainly suggest that he is an artist fir... http://www.articleheaven.net/why-brochure-photography-may-be-both-an-art-and-a-science-1741939.html 13th September 2010