Kathryn M. Reid's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Natural Face Cream Is More Effective & Safer To Use Than A Chemical/Synthetic Equivalent Lets face it, if your going to buy and use a natural face cream you want to make sure it's the best and most effective you can get -- otherwise you're just wasting your time and money. Keep the following 4 points in mind when you compare natural skin ... http://www.articleheaven.net/natural-face-cream-is-more-effective--safer-to-use-than-a-chemicalsynthetic-equivalent-1310570.html 22nd December 2009 Natural Wrinkle Remedies Are More Often Than Not The Best & Safest Option Let's face the facts; there are more wrinkle creams on market than you can poke a stick at. However choosing natural wrinkle remedies instead of chemical/synthetic options is preferable to more and more people these days. Obviously to be effective an ... http://www.articleheaven.net/natural-wrinkle-remedies-are-more-often-than-not-the-best--safest-option-1278294.html 08th December 2009 Best Moisturizes For Dry Skin - Solve Your Skin Dryness Problem With Safe Natural Ingredients Wouldn't it be great not having to put up with the daily frustration of dry skin! I imagine most women who are conscious of looking after their precious skin use a facial moisturizer daily to properly hydrate it. Unfortunately a lot of the creams on th... http://www.articleheaven.net/best-moisturizes-for-dry-skin--solve-your-skin-dryness-problem-with-safe-natural-ingredients-1248955.html 24th November 2009