nickjanaw's Articles en-us New Car Stereo Systems to make Application Integration Easier. Web 2.0 isn't just making the internet a better more useful place to surf. Its also helped develop the day to day sites applications being used on a hourly basis (for most people), on devices such as the iPhone, iPad and other tablet pc's & android phones... 28th September 2010 Problems with Legitimate Parrot products in the UK. Its a well know problem that parrot have major supply issues of parrot bluetooth goods in the UK, The genuine stock is readily available and ready to distribute through the correct channels. However this side of the business is not the problem. The proble... 14th July 2010 Parrot are leading the field, but are they the best? If you want a bluetooth car kit most people automatically think of the brand Parrot, it has the brand awareness that most companies would die for. Almost on the same level as google. You've heard of the phrase "Google it" haven't you. Well most people con... 13th July 2010 Parrot Bluetooth Car Kit – The Best ONE out there! Have you seen a parrot? It's sweet, innocent, intelligent, aristocratic yet useful - all at the same time! And so are the Parrot Bluetooth car kits. No, they don't eat chilies but sure they make give you a real warm driving experience. There are certai... 18th February 2010 Motorola Bluetooth Car kits – are It worth It? In the 21st century, who doesn't use a mobile phone? A CAVEMAN…and he doesn't know about Bluetooth car kits, let alone the exclusive Motorola Bluetooth car kits. Considering that you already have a car and have already been using, trying a couple of ... 16th February 2010