Scott Jamieson's Articles en-us Best online photography communities It's clear that you're a great photographer, but for the third time this month your Facebook friends have inexplicably failed to comment on the snaps you uploaded of your cat's weekend. Your work may go unappreciated on Facebook, but surely there's somewh... 17th August 2011 Revolutionary Skin Care Ingredients Seeking the proverbial “fountain of youth”, many people in the world are turning to revolutionary new skincare products to erase the signs of aging. A less intrusive way to look younger, miracle-producing products that include powerful anti-aging ingredie... 12th August 2011 Extracurricular activities for kids - what to choose? Kids these days have a huge variety of extra-curricular activities they can choose to participate in. Getting involved in different pastimes is a great way to make new friends and develop new skills as well as having fun, although choosing what activities... 28th June 2011 How to Host a Slumber Party for Your Little Girl and Her Friends Little girls love slumber parties. With some forward planning, your daughter can have the sleepover of her dreams, and you can avoid the frustration, spats and hurt feelings that late night parties sometimes involve. Since a sleepover lasts so long, this ... 22nd June 2011 How to give your child an active start in life Bringing up your child in an active, productive home is a great way to ensure his life will be full of health and happiness. Not allowing a sedentary existence will create a healthy child with energy and motivation. The percentage of children in today... 22nd June 2011 The benefits of using video on your DSLR Many DSLR cameras these days now also have built-in HD video capabilities, perfect for when a single photo just won’t capture the entire mood and action of a scene. For digital video beginners who already own a DSLR, HD video on your camera is a great ... 07th June 2011 How to Get Your Kids More Involved in the Kitchen Children should have some experience helping in the kitchen. An important benefit of their interaction is that they will usually eat at least some healthy food if they have helped to prepare it. Still, sometimes adults find it difficult to interest the ki... 04th May 2011 Things to Consider When Putting Together Your Perfect Home Entertainment System A home theatre will be even more fun than the traditional movie theatre experience if you consider all the important details when designing your new entertainment room. When you watch a movie in the comfort of your own home, you will not have to battle tr... 04th May 2011 Connecting to the internet from your tablet The tablet is the latest development in mobile computing technology, and more and more Australians are using tablets as their preferred means of media consumption and information sharing while on-the-go. Tablets are essentially flat-panel portable PCs tha... 11th April 2011 The realities of a Ugandan childhood They say that to understand a person you must walk in their shoes. But can you really understand someone’s life if they live on the other side of the world, and in completely different circumstances? This sense of distance and unfamiliarity between those ... 02nd March 2011 Your questions about child sponsorship answered Child sponsorship is one avenue through which those living in the Western world can make an impact in the impoverished and disadvantaged lives of children in developing countries. As a form of charity, however, child sponsorship has come under some critic... 02nd March 2011 Sun protection for your children at school Due to its position underneath a hole in the ozone layer, the Australian sun is extremely strong and UV radiation levels are extremely high. As a result, Australia has the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world. Sun exposure from a young age is a m... 18th February 2011 Education Tax Refund – keep your receipts! Last year, $400 million in tax benefits went unclaimed by parents of school children for education expenses. This year, parents are being urged to keep their receipts for tax time to alleviate the financial burden that back to school expenses place on man... 18th February 2011 DVDs to be released in February As February rolls around, there are a number of DVDs set to be released. If you missed seeing a film in the cinema, or loved a movie so much that have to have a copy for yourself, then buying a new release DVD is a great way to enjoy a movie without the q... 18th February 2011 Old-School-Cool – new old trends in modern photography It started with vintage fashion, furniture and even appliances. Then the craze moved to music, with vinyl records quickly becoming the “in” thing in retro cool. Now it seems as though photography has also been swept up in the craze for all things vintage,... 07th February 2011 Going retro – the growing interest in vintage photography It started with vintage fashion, artwork and home wares. Then the craze moved to music, with collectors everywhere seeking out vinyl records for a bit of retro cool. Now the enthusiasm for all things vintage has trickled down into the realm of photography... 07th February 2011 Advice on getting an Australian phone number If you’ve moved to Australia for an extended period of time – whether it’s for travel or work purposes – it’s likely that you’ll need an Australian phone number. Continuing to use your home mobile phone number on international roaming is costly. Whether y... 22nd December 2010 Understanding parenting arrangements for children after divorce By nature, divorce can be unpleasant. Add children to the mix and the situation becomes even more complex. It’s not surprising, therefore that shared care and the legal arrangements for children after a divorce can be tricky. The parenting arrangements ... 29th November 2010 Pakistan – in a state of emergency. The worst floods in the nation's recorded history have washed over Pakistan after unprecedented and unrelenting monsoonal rainfall. Over 14 million people have been affected by the floods and the death toll has risen to over 1,600. Such unfathomable nu... 16th August 2010 For the love of blood Twilight - you have to have been living under a rock to not know what it means. The series phenomenon has taken the world by storm, selling more than 100 million copies worldwide and has been translated into 38 languages. Meanwhile, the third instalmen... 02nd July 2010 TV Cheapskates Cheapskates - we all know one - the guy who has always conveniently left his wallet in the car or needs change for a $100 bill for his $4 coffee, so he'll get it "next time". While they're probably less pleasant to have around in real life, cheapskates... 02nd July 2010 Five Make Up Accessories for the Weekend Away We all have our undying makeup loyalties - the brand we trust and the products we know work for us. However, whichever favourite foundation, must-have lipstick or to-die-for eye shadow that you always have handy in your purse - you need to also make su... 03rd June 2010 Why you should sponsor a child For those living in the comfort, peace and safety of the Western world, it’s often hard to imagine how you can make a difference to nations plagued by poverty, disease and violence. Sky-high world poverty statistics are disheartening, but the issue ... 29th April 2010 Give hope to Ugandan children Since the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) waged war against the Government of Uganda (GOU) in the 1980s, Northern Uganda has been ravaged by violence and political instability. Consequently, Ugandans living in the North have been plunged into 25 years ... 29th April 2010 Want to Take Great Pictures? Ten Tips you NEED to Know Even if you consider yourself a photography expert, it's good to revisit the basics. Meanwhile, if you've just bought your very first digital camera, you'll be keen to get started on taking great photos. From framing to settings, here are ten tips you ... 27th April 2010 Ten Basic Tips for Taking Great Pictures Often it's important to get back to basics. Whether you're a seasoned photography professional or just excited about owning your first digital camera, it's always important to visit - or revisit - the fundamentals of taking great photographs. Here are ... 27th April 2010 The Moving Picture Story - how to take great videos with your digital camera They say a picture is worth a thousand words - but what if that's just not enough? Some events can only be properly captured with the addition of moving pictures and sound - a heart warming speech, a world record attempt, a loving recorded message - or ev... 27th April 2010 Are you eligible for a tax break on your company vehicle? Kevin Rudd has called small businesses the ‘backbone of the Australian economy' and in light of the almighty "GFC" and global recession, announced in 2009 that the government would help them stay afloat with a ‘boost' to the already established Small ... 20th April 2010 Our Favourite TV Couple There's something pleasant about tuning into your favourite family sitcom or drama, where they're gathered around the dinner table, trading laughs, quirky quips and guffaws. And there's something exceptionally heart warming about watching your favourite T... 24th March 2010 Always Second Best? – Susan Boyle misses out on being biggest seller in US, but SO WHAT? Coming in second again, the Scottish talent sensation has lost to teen pop star Taylor Swift for selling the most records in 2009. Her debut album I Dreamed a Dream sold 3.1 million copies, narrowly missing the 3.21 million of Swift's self titled album. ... 24th March 2010