Audrey Malone's Articles en-us Acne and Junk Food - Top Six #1 Food Sources That Help Cure Acne It is a proven fact that what you eat has an affect on, not only your overall health, but it has an affect on your outer appearance as well, including your skin. So you ask, "Does eating junk food cause acne?" It should be noted that "junk" foods are n... 27th October 2008 Butt Acne Pimples - I Don't Have Them Anymore and Neither Should You Darn! It's bad enough for some people to have to deal with acne breakout problems on the face, but for those of you who suffer with acne constantly breaking out on the buttocks, I feel your pain. And what about that acne's nerve? I mean, it doesn't care. ... 27th October 2008