paulcentric's Articles en-us Can card artists make good book artists? "How can I get into children's books?" is a question that is often asked by Greeting Card Artists. The artistic limitations in designing a greeting card can frazzle some artists over a period of years. "I can't do one more Christmas scene with out co... 14th May 2010 Scottish Highlands inspires Irish Renowned poster artist Martin Irish draws his inspiration for his illustrations from areas as diverse as Scottish mountains and vinyl toys. "I am fortunate to be living in the beautiful and breathtaking Highlands of Scotland, not far from Loch Ness, wh... 26th February 2010 Hottest Animators in the business produce Christmas ecards Lukas Pazara struck gold when he worked on the animations for the BBC introduction to the Beijing Olympics! Also having worked on projects such as Gorillaz with Blur lead Damon Albarn, Pazara has used his skills to produce some fantastic animations for C... 27th November 2009 Label Lust Beauty: Luxury Buys Check out our edit of the cult beauty products we'd all love in our bathroom cabinet! Book out a few hours for some high class pampering with our pick of the beauty products all the A-listers love.1. Chantecaille Lip ChicThis famous french brand have jus... 29th August 2009 10 of the Best Fake Tanners Can't afford a beach break this year? Worry not. With our top 10 tanners you'll be bronzed in no time... Fake Bake Lipo Bronze Self Tan with LipoCareNot only does this deliver a convincing, deep tan in hours, it works to bust cellulite too. Brown and buff... 30th July 2009 Holiday Hair Tips If you want gorgeous celebrity hair when go on holiday then read on as we have the best tips on how to maintain healthy hair even when your sunbathing and swimming.Neil Moodie's tip for dry hairIf you're hair is already a little dry, before going on the b... 30th July 2009 Child Development: Milestones your child should reach between 12-23 months Age 1Most parents see their child's first birthday as an important milestone as it marks the transition from baby to toddler. Your child will go through a period of rapid development in the 12 months between their 1st and 2nd birthday - and parents usuall... 23rd July 2009 What to do if your child gets a bad school report What should you do if your child gets a bad school report? We have all the advice you need to get them to pay attention in class and start achieving better grades.Here we tackle some problem areas that might arise...'Lacks concentration'Maybe your child i... 23rd July 2009 Understanding your teen: 10 dos for parents How many frustrated parents are left seething after yet another row which ends with their teenager slamming out of the room?Here are 10 ways to help you understand and deal with your teen.1. Have a clear boundary between your parent role and your friend r... 10th June 2009 Potty training made easy You're under pressure because your toddler's still in nappies and she won't be allowed to start nursery unless she's toilet trained.All the other mums seem to have cracked it, so why can't you? Follow our simple advice on what to do...Your 7-step plan1. U... 07th June 2009 Top 10 tips on how to find me-time Do you never have any time for yourself? Are you bored of sounding like a stuck record as you plead with your kids to tidy their rooms, brush their hair or help with the dishes? Do you struggle to watch your favourite soap?Here are some great tips to get ... 04th June 2009 Kids' unusual behaviour Sometimes kids do some very unusual things, such as repeatedly banging their head on the floor or holding their breath. This sort of behaviour can be worrying for parents and it's hard to know what to do for the best.1. Repeatedly banging their head on a ... 03rd June 2009 Your path to conception Prepare your bodyYou've decided you want to have a baby, so why not do things right straightaway and give yourself the best possible chance of conceiving.Your body's going to house your growing baby for nine months so you need to make sure it's a place it... 05th May 2009