Max's Articles en-us How Does an Online Video Game Rental Work? General trend followed by video game lovers is to visit the nearest store and pick up their favorite video games. Investing hundreds of dollars on video games is often an expensive task for most buyers. Besides visiting a video store is often tiring and t... 23rd January 2012 Freelance Photography Freelancing in any profession has several tools that when adhered to add to the success of the freelancer and the same is true for a freelancing photography career. There are several tools and resources that would help the freelance photographer. Most of... 04th June 2010 Best Way to Sell Stock Photos Technology and innovation has definitely changed the way we work and live. As a freelance photographer, you might remember the days when you used to take photos via the old camera and worry about roll, exposure, right angle and depth, etc. However, with t... 04th June 2010 How to Use Justin Biebler Songs as your Ringtone. A cellphone is no longer just a device that you use to make and receive calls. Today, the cellphone is an integral part of your life and is a critical mirror of your lifestyle and likes and dislikes. With new technologies and features being available in e... 05th May 2010 Get Justin Bieber Lyrics on your Cellphone The humble mobile phone has gone through a lot of incarnations ever since it was first launched a few decades ago. Along the way, it has become a personal telecommunication device that can be customized to the owner's heart's content. There are several as... 05th May 2010 Choosing the right stock photo agency Stock photos are good news for webmasters, advertising agencies, amateurs etc, who do not have the big budgets for commissioning artists and photographers. Stock photographs are basically photographs that are clicked by photographers and stored, for use a... 04th May 2010