Michael S. Logan, MS's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Holiday Stress Holiday stress could mean holiday eustress or holiday distress. Either is a physiological function of our thoughts. Eustress is the physiology that comes with thoughts that my resources match the demands in my life. For example, even though I hav... http://www.articleheaven.net/holiday-stress-1297043.html 15th December 2009 Holidays Grief Grief is the winter of emotional life, and a holidays grief can be complicated by the season, which has the Norman Rockwell picture of family gathered together to share good cheer. There is usually a fire in the fire place, and stockings hung with care... http://www.articleheaven.net/holidays-grief-1290973.html 11th December 2009 Counseling Children of Divorce Counseling children of divorce can be heart rending. But those of us in the field may forget how perceptive children are, how closely attuned to mom and dad's relationship they are. I can remember as a little boy of five or six how sad I was when my... http://www.articleheaven.net/counseling-children-of-divorce-1282601.html 09th December 2009