Gianni Truvianni's Articles en-us Waltraud Meier, One Of The Greatest Wagner Sopranos Of All time An article about Waltraud Meier and her tremendous interpretations of Wagner’s works. I, for the most part have always been a great fan of Wagner and his operas which naturally include his music along with his librettos. Wagner being one of the few com... 18th November 2011 CNN’s War On Modern Day Slavery, A Noble Failure Or Self Promotion? An article comparing the futility of CNN’s so called “war on modern day slavery” to that of the Bush administration’s “war on drugs”. It being a case where one was destined to be a dismal failure while the other will only achieve the goal of promoting CNN... 23rd June 2011 Why Was Osama Bin Laden Really Buried So Shortly After His Death? An article asking the questions which nobody seems willing to answer regarding the real reason why Osama Bin Laden was buried out at sea before his body could be shown to the media. It seeming as if some people are too busy congratulating themselves to ta... 16th May 2011 “Cinque, Dieci, Venti, Trenta” The Opening Of Mozart’s Opera “Figaro” An article about the opening of Mozart’s opera “Figaro” which was even explained in detail in the film “Amadeus”. It being a scene in which we see Mozart telling the emperor of Austria how his opera “Figaro” is a comedy which in fact has nothing to do wit... 30th September 2010 Poland In Mourning Over The Death Of Lech Kaczynski An article about Poland’s mourning over Lech Kaczynski and what it is which in my opinion makes people cry over the death of their acting president even if he or she was one who was not exactly popular.It happened on Saturday morning of last week th... 16th April 2010 Annija KopÅ¡tÄle, A Great Latvian Ballerina And Friend Of Mine An article about not only a great ballet dancer but a truly inspiring friend of mine. I, for the most part am an opera fan yet the ballet is and has always been what I consider to be the most graceful of all the performing arts. As it combines music ... 09th April 2010 Stella Milano, A Great Tango Singer And My Internet Friend To many outside of Argentina and Uruguay, tango is a music associated almost solely with the dance that usually accompanies it. This for the most part being a couple (usually dressed in black) moving their bodies very closely with one another in semi sens... 18th March 2010 Kiri Te Kanawa, A Concert To Remember An article about Kiri Te Kanawa's 2006 concert in Warsaw's philharmonic. Looking back I would say that the year 2006 was a great one. This being the case since Italy won the World Cup and I got to see my idol, Kiri Te kanawa in concert at Warsaw's p... 18th March 2010