ajcones's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com New York Beauty Pageants The state of New York is indeed full of ironies. Folks refer to it as 'The Empire State', a home to a large number of skyscrapers and freeways, but it just cannot be left out when listing states with a thriving cultural tourism sector. It is true that New... http://www.articleheaven.net/new-york-beauty-pageants-997160.html 24th July 2009 Guam Beauty Pageants The island of Guam certainly is beautiful, with its tropical setting and sun-soaked air. It should come as no surprise then that the women of the island are reflections of the area, but perhaps one can assume that the most faithful reflection of the area ... http://www.articleheaven.net/guam-beauty-pageants-997151.html 24th July 2009 Japan Beauty Pageants Japan hosts several local miss Japan pageants. These beauty pageants are all aimed to send and host beauties to travel to other countries and represent Japan in these contests. Miss Universe pageants, Miss World pageants and Miss Asia Pacific Internationa... http://www.articleheaven.net/japan-beauty-pageants-995317.html 23rd July 2009 Columbia Beauty Pageants Columbia is home to some of the most beautiful women in the world. The women of Columbia are well known for their shapely figures, wonderful skin tones, and easy-going, carefree nature. The people of Columbia actually celebrate the beauty of their people ... http://www.articleheaven.net/columbia-beauty-pageants-995261.html 23rd July 2009 About Low Carbohydrate Fruits A lot of people who are on a weight loss diet as well as almost all health-conscious people consider fruits as some of the best foods to have in stock for their everyday meals. And why not? Fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, and are low in fat. The... http://www.articleheaven.net/about-low-carbohydrate-fruits-950423.html 26th June 2009 With A Little Bit Of Luck Who isn't fascinated with the idea of the sweepstakes? After all, these are contest that really don't need you to be smarter or faster or prettier than anyone - you just need to be luckier. You just need to be picked, out of all the other participants, ... http://www.articleheaven.net/with-a-little-bit-of-luck-927751.html 11th June 2009 Get Flash Banners In this day and age of media overload, ads do not appeal anymore, especially those online. Investing in flash banners can change that. Unlike ordinary ads, flash banners are dynamic, making them certainly more catchy to the eye. Of course, to get flash... http://www.articleheaven.net/get-flash-banners-916066.html 05th June 2009 What is Model Train? Model train, or railway modeling as it is known in the United Kingdom, is the fascination and preoccupation for the reduced-scale railway system. The site www.modeltrain.co.uk takes every British model train enthusias on a closer look at a model train,... http://www.articleheaven.net/what-is-model-train-861588.html 17th April 2009 A Time for Family Gatherings As it so happens, I have a family who is keen on family gatherings - granted, they are keen on family gatherings of a small scale, but on the whole, we rather like having family gatherings. At family gatherings, we get to catch up on each other's lives, ... http://www.articleheaven.net/a-time-for-family-gatherings-848976.html 07th April 2009 The Use Of Armed Forces The armed forces of a country are its government-sponsored defense, fighting forces, and organizations. They exist to further the foreign and domestic policies of their governing body, and to defend that body and the nation it represents from external and... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-use-of-armed-forces-824490.html 13th March 2009