Tom Wheelwright's Articles en-us An Additional Step to Consider Before Investing in Real Estate in Your IRA I recently shared two key steps to do before investing in real estate in your IRA. Step #1: Understand the Special Tax Treatment Rules for IRAs Only certain types of income receive special tax treatment. Step #2: Understand the Type of Income Yo... 05th May 2011 Making the Tax Rules Work for You: Understanding the Tax Rules Understanding the rules is key to making the tax rules work for you. I can't emphasize this enough. Understanding the rules doesn't mean you have to be an expert on the tax rules. Your tax advisor should be the expert. Understanding the rules simpl... 30th March 2011 Using ALL of Your Tax Rates to Your Advantage Taxes are a powerful tool when it comes to building wealth. While most people view taxes as something that takes money out of their pocket, I view taxes as the fastest way to put money in your pocket. Over the last several weeks, I have been sharing h... 19th January 2011 How the Little Things Can Add Up to Big Tax Savings The last few weeks I've been sharing how to create habits that enable you to use your taxes to build your wealth. Here are the habits I have shared so far: Habit #1: Avoiding tax advice that is for the general population Habit #2: View every day... 14th January 2011 How Reducing Your Taxes Can Prepare You for an Audit Another big reason many people dread the tax return process is the fear of an audit. I've seen people give up thousands in LEGAL tax savings in an effort to hopefully reduce their audit risk, and many times at the advice of their own tax preparer! I... 20th April 2010 Every Day is an Opportunity to Reduce Your Taxes Copyright (c) 2009 Tom Wheelwright Our taxes are impacted any time we receive or pay money, and we have a lot of control whether that impact is positive or negative. Here are a few things many of us will be doing over the coming holiday weekend and ... 10th December 2009 Applying the New Tax Law to Your Taxes Copyright (c) 2009 Tom Wheelwright With the end of the year just around the corner, the new law may provide you with additional tax saving opportunities. In this report, I'll share the 2 most popular tax breaks in the new law and how they apply to y... 27th November 2009