Manish Kapoor's Articles en-us Break the Ice with Funny Life Quotes This is the first day on your new job. You don't know anyone yet. Everyone is stranger here for you. You go for a coffee break with your colleague. And there comes the moment of awkward silence. The most embarrassing and displeasing moment of life one cou... 11th November 2009 Funny Quotes by Albert Einstein to Brighten Up Your Day Albert Einstein - This Name doesn't need any introduction. Everyone knows about him, his achievement and his inventions. He was master minded genius and by far most intellectual person. He was one of the most well-known scientists of the century. Alth... 30th October 2009 Keep your Long Distance Relationship Strong by Sharing Special Quotes Some of our relatives live with us or nearby to us. On the other side, some of our relatives live far away from us. It was easy to maintain healthy relationship with those who lives nearby to us but what about those friends and relatives who live far away... 27th October 2009 Short Funny Life Quotes – Eternal gems of wit and humor for you Today life is busy and everyone is as busy as ever. No body has much time for fun and humor. So we need something which can make us laugh out loud in short period of time. And what could best option than short funny life quotes. They are very short and ta... 23rd October 2009 My Favorite 10 Funny Quotes About Life sure to make you LOL I just love collecting Quotes on all subjects. Whenever I come across a good funny life quote that make me laugh or inspiring and motivational life quote that shake me to the core and inspire me to take action, I jot them down on my computer. Later on, wh... 13th October 2009 Funny Life Quotes to Cheer you up Funny Life Quotes are usually sentences or phrases about life which are being said by famous authors and poets. Reading the quotes will certainly bring smile on your face. These quotes help you look at the humorous part of life which is necessary to enjoy... 09th April 2009 A Simple way to Cut Down your Cell Phone Bill Are you worried about your mobile bill which is increasing every month? Do you want to reduce your cell phone bill? If your answer is yes, then let me tell you how you can do so. First of all, take your mobile bill in your hand and see how much of the tot... 07th April 2009 Bob Marley Posters with his Quotes There are some music artists in the world that touched our heart with the power of their music. Their music has got such a power that is able to transport emotions. Such artists have always been our favorite whether they are in the world or not. Bob Marle... 06th April 2009 Amaze everyone with Funny Sayings and Quotes Isn't amazing how famous celebrities, prime ministers, News reporters and other world-known individual impress anyone with their speech. There is an element of fun and humor as well as seriousness in their speech that grab everyone's attention. How they m... 02nd April 2009