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Member Since: 08th July 2008
No of Articles: 50
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06th July 2009

Castle - A New Comedy-Mystery Show On TV

What could a new police and detective series possibly have to keep our interest? For one thing, Nathan Fillion is the title star, playing Richard Castle. Is it possible this is the person who portrayed Dr.Pomattor in Adrienne Shelley's Waitress? It's also...

06th July 2009

Picked Up For A New Season - Make Sure Your Don't Miss Castle

You may wonder how a new mystery/detective series could get you to watch when network and cable TV is saturated with them. Nathan Fillion is the star luminary in the cast, playing the part of Richard Castle Can this really be the same person who played Dr...

05th July 2009

Make Sure Your Don't Miss Castle - A New TV Show

How could our attention be maintained by another new police/detective show? For one thing, Nathan Fillion is the title star, playing Richard Castle. At first it's hard to believe that this is the same actorn who portrayed Dr.Pomattor in the 2007 independe...

05th July 2009

Castle - The Exiting New Season Of TV Show

You may wonder how a new mystery/detective series could get you to watch when network and cable TV is saturated with them. First, Richard Castle is played by the talented Nathan Fillion. At first it's hard to believe that this is the same actorn who portr...

04th July 2009

Comcast Triple Play Deal Is A Terrific Option At Discounted Rate

Where can you get up to 275 digital cable channels, digital VoIP voice service, and lightening fast broadband internet in one low price bundle? They are available together through Comcast, the United States largest cable provider. Comcast has blazed it...