Author Details

Roni Deutch

Member Since: 05th February 2008
No of Articles: 36
About Me:


02nd December 2009

Tax Implications of the Affordable Health Care for America Act

The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed HR3962: the Affordable Health Care for America Act of 2009. The legislation is thousands of pages long, making it difficult for regular taxpayers to understand how the bill will affect them. Tax Penalt...

02nd December 2009

Foreign Income Tax Breaks

The tax breaks available to foreign income earners are: the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion, the Foreign Housing Exclusion, and the Foreign Housing Deduction. In order to claim any of these deductions, your tax home must be in a foreign country, you must ...

24th November 2009

The Benefits of Retaining a Tax Lawyer vs Negotiating your own Settlement

Although taxpayers have the right to negotiate directly with the IRS, it is often a good idea to hire a professional, such as an attorney, to represent you in the negotiations. However, there are some instances where a taxpayer may be better off working d...

28th April 2009

7 Most Commonly Overlooked Sources of Taxable Income

Sometimes a person gets in debt to the IRS because they just do not understand the complex US Tax Code. And who can blame them? Taxes are complicated and trying to read through convoluted IRS explanations of the rules is daunting. Many taxpayers are not a...

27th March 2009

What is the 2008 Standard Deduction

The standard deduction may seem confusing at first glance, but when broken down, it really is quite simple. Many taxpayers spend a lot of time every tax season trying to figure out if the standard deduction or itemizing is right for them. To help clear th...

19th March 2009

7 Tax Tips for Married Couples

Between the ever-evolving tax code, dozens of new credits and deduction, it can hard for married couples to know where they stand. If you and your spouse are having troubles with your taxes then please consider the following 7 tax tips for married couples...