Author Details


Member Since: 25th August 2010
No of Articles: 21
About Me: A recent graduate of NYU’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study, I consider myself a student of Melville and Shakespeare. Particularly, my fascination with Moby Dick has sparked a broader interest in many fields such as politics, history, science, economics, etc, since that novel deals with disparate disciplines and issues in an encyclopedic, yet accessible manner.


28th October 2010

Let’s Stop Blaming Obama: The Case for Taking Collective Responsibility

Matt Bai’s recent New York Times article about the modern presidency portrays an executive with severely limited abilities to shape the world and America’s destiny. It argues that globalization has made it nearly impossible to effectively manage the econ...

21st October 2010

From the John Birch Society to the Tea Party

Sean Wilentz’s New Yorker article, “Confounding Fathers,” is the most thorough and precise piece on the Tea Party movement I have encountered. It explains how the movement’s ideas are not original but rather a regurgitation of crazy conspiracy theories p...

19th October 2010

The Military Is Shifting Towards Renewable Energy; Will We Follow Its Lead?

This is big news. Once again, it appears the American military will lead the way. Not only is it protecting us from our enemies in the campaign against terrorism, but it is also pioneering the fight against our dependence on fossil fuels. As the Ne...

12th October 2010

In Defense of the President: Let’s Stick with this Status Quo

Thomas Friedman’s editorial features drastic implications: true, Obama has accomplished a lot considering how damaged our political system is, from health care to education to financial reform. But, sadly, and not to fault Obama, this is really the best...

08th October 2010

God Is Not Great Chapter One, Setting the Table

This is the first in a series of chapter by chapter analyses of God is Not Great, one of my favorite books. In “Putting It Mildly,” Hitchens lays the groundwork for his core claims: one—that secular society faces an urgent fight against the forces of r...

05th October 2010

How America’s Superpower Status is Slipping Away

After finishing Anatole Kaletsky’s excellent op-ed ( I wondered why I had not seen an article like this until now. Finally someone is writing about palpable changes in global finance philosop...