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Member Since: 02nd August 2010
No of Articles: 32
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06th October 2010

The solar PV Value Propostion

The solar PV Value Propostion Solar photovoltaics (PV) offers the U.S. a material source of high-value energy. It is an attractive part of the U.S. energy portfolio for an array of reasons which include customer value, as well as benefits from an envir...

05th October 2010

Solar Energy in Spain

Solar Energy in Spain Spain is forging ahead with plans to build concentrating solar power plants, establishing the country and Spanish companies as world leaders in the emerging field. At the same time, the number of installed photovoltaic systems is ...

04th October 2010

Types of Solar Water Heaters

Types of Solar Water Heaters Solar water heaters can be either active or passive. An active system uses an electric pump to circulate the heat-transfer fluid; a passive system has no pump. The amount of hot water a solar water heater produces depends o...

04th October 2010

Basic Information on Solar Water Heating

Basic Information on Solar Water Heating This publication provides basic information on the components and types of solar water heaters currently available and the economic and environmental benefits of owning a system. Although the publication doe...

27th September 2010

Producing your own power

Producing your own power The first step to designing a renewable energy system is to conduct a Load Evaluation to determine what appliances you will be using, for how long each day and week, and how much energy they will use. The Load Evaluation is the...

27th September 2010

Living “Off Grid” – Part 2

Living “Off Grid” – Part 2 Living “off grid” means you are not connected to a utility company power line, the electrical grid. You must produce your own electrical power to meet your needs. This can be a challenging and rewarding experience! Refrige...

23rd September 2010

10 Good Reasons to switch to solar photovoltaic electricity

10 Good Reasons to switch to solar photovoltaic electricity Photovoltaic is emerging as a major power source due to its numerous environmental and economic benefits and proven reliability. 'Photovoltaic' is a marriage of two words: 'photo', from Gre...

23rd September 2010

5 uses of solar energy

5 uses of solar energy Our earth gets most of its energy from the sun. We call this energy solar energy. Sol means sun. Solar energy travels from the sun to the earth in rays. Some are light rays that we can see. Some are rays we can't see, like x-rays...

22nd September 2010

About urbane wind turbine investment

About urbane wind turbine investment These costs consist of: complete UWT installation including the engineering, safety measures, monitoring, supporting construction, transport and mounting, proof of operation (commissioning) and the acceptance. Likel...

09th September 2010

Understanding & Using Solar DC-AC Inverters – Part 3

Understanding & Using Solar DC-AC Inverters - Part 3 Capacitive loading Actually there.s a different kind of problem with many kinds of fluorescent light assembly: not so much inductive loading, but capacitive loading. Although a standard fluoro li...

08th September 2010

What is Homemade Solar Energy?

Solar Energy What is Homemade Solar Energy? Every day, the sun radiates (sends out) an enormous amount of energy—called solar energy. It radiates more energy in one second than the world has used since time began. This energy comes from within the s...

06th September 2010

The Aerodynamics Of The Wind Turbine – Part 2

The Aerodynamics Of The Wind Turbine - Part 2 WIND TURBINE BLADES BEHAVE IN THE SAME WAY Returning to the wind turbine blade, just as in the situation for the cyclist, we can observe the aerodynamic and force diagrams in two different situations, w...

06th September 2010

The Aerodynamics Of The Wind Turbine – Part 1

The Aerodynamics Of The Wind Turbine - Part 1 The three bladed rotor is the most important and most visible part of the wind turbine. It is through the rotor that the energy of the wind is transformed into mechanical energy that turns the main shaft of...

06th September 2010

What is Wind Energy?

What is Wind Energy? Wind is simply air in motion. It is caused by the uneven heating of the earth's surface by radiant energy from the sun. Since the earth's surface is made of very different types of land and water, it absorbs the sun's energy at dif...

27th August 2010

Green Living - Taking those first small steps

Green Living - Taking those first small steps Making small changes as and when you can puts you firmly on the road to living a much greener lifestyle. Trying to jump into it all at once can be counterproductive, in fact, because the subject area is im...