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Member Since: 23rd February 2010
No of Articles: 19
About Me:


26th February 2010

Case Studies

CASE1: 6 yr old girl IQ within normal limits. Lives at home with natural parents, She has cerebral palsy. Difficulty in communications Introduction Observe a little, normal kid with his/her parents. There appears to be a continuous flow of communicati...

26th February 2010

Teacher’s Perception of Leadership

Introduction There are various schools of thought about what sort of leadership style is most appropriate for a particular organization. Some school environments may require the application of a participative style of leadership i...

26th February 2010

Organic project

Introduction Given the current condition of organic products in the United Arab Emirates, increasing the level of promotion for organic products will increase the awareness of the product. The paper shall look at a definition of organic products, identif...

26th February 2010

Policy Research Program on how the US will deal with the conflict regarding the North Korea Nuclear

introduction In this essay, I will argue that the North Korean Nuclear Program is not just a problem to the United states, but it also a threat to the other countries such as Japan and South Korea. Current approaches by the United States have not been ve...