Author Details

Chef Todd

Member Since: 28th April 2009
No of Articles: 25
About Me: I am thrilled to be an E-zine Expert Author and have a number of articles published on a variety of cooking topics (and write new ones all the time!) Page down to see the entire list and click the ones that are helpful to you.

Before I became Chef Todd Mohr, I was Todd Mohr - a guy who liked to cook. A lot of people, including me, even thought I was a pretty good cook. For starters, I had my five meals, well, recipes, I suppose, that I could make well. Being a creative person, I also used some of the techniques from my tried and true \"recipes\" to experiment a bit with new dishes. Some were good and some not so good, and I usually never knew what the difference was.

Through a series of events, I decided to change careers in 1996 and pursue my passion for cooking, so I enrolled in Baltimore International Culinary College. 18 months later, I emerged: Chef Todd Mohr.

The greatest thing I learned in culinary school was the \"how\" and the \"why\" that had been missing from my cooking all those years. My recipes only gave me the \"what\" - which left so much out! The greatest thing I gained in the years after culinary school, was the practical experience from working in kitchens and experimenting at home. Being observant, I learned even more \"hows\" and \"whys\" in addition to \"whats\" along my culinary journey. This experience and experimentation, more than anything else, is what turned Todd Mohr into Chef Todd Mohr.

My experience includes kitchen experience - all the way up to Executive Chef, as well as college teaching experience, starting and operating a successful catering company and then finally, the culmination of all of my passion: opening The Cooking School in Cary NC in 2007.

From The Cooking School, came \"Cooking Coarse\", my daily video blog that quickly gained a loyal You Tube following due to the uniqueness of the instruction offered. It was through feedback received from \"Cooking Coarse\" viewers that I decided to launch and provide this information to the world.

When I started getting emails that my videos had changed people\'s lives, I knew I was on to something and that was when was born.

This is my passion - I am excited to share it with you!


22nd November 2010

Cook Green Beans in Advance and Keep Their Vitamins Intact

When you cook green beans this holiday season, will you open a can of condensed soup and let the beans bake for hours? Most people do. Baking vegetables over a long period of time reduces their nutrient value. Plus, if you are trying to have a stress...

26th October 2010

Brining Turkey is Better Than Burning Down Your House.

Brining turkey is my favorite way to prepare my holiday turkey. People’s biggest fear is that their turkey will be dry after cooking it. This is a reasonable fear, because “roasting” is a dry-heat convective cooking process. When roasted, your turkey i...

30th September 2010

Apple Squash Soup Even YOU Can Make Right Now!

An Apple Squash Soup is very easy to create, even without a recipe, if you know a few basic cooking methods. It can be difficult to identify some of those colorful squash at the market. If you don’t know what type of squash you’ve bought, it’s really to...

13th September 2010

Does Your Grilling Marinade Have These 3 Simple Elements?

A grilling marinade is a very simple way to add flavor and moisture to grilled items. If you follow these basic rules, you'll be able to create a long list of unique combinations of ingredients and invent your own grilling marinade. Any grilling marin...

17th August 2010

Corn On The Cob: How to Cook It Right

Cook corn on the cob and you've got a uniquely summer time treat. Fresh corn from the field brushed with melted butter is a strong child-food memory for me, and can be one for your children as well. If you're lucky enough to get some fresh corn on the c...

13th July 2010

5 Simple Steps to Cook Healthy Nutritious Food

Every night when you go home, you have to make a decision about what to have for dinner. For the most part, we would like to eat nutritious food, but many of us didn't grow up learning how to cook healthy meals. If you're watching your health, eating out ...

22nd June 2010

Why Eating Healthy Food is Easy with Paris Cuisine

Since I've been on my Paris tour, I've discovered that eating healthy food is much easier than I imagined with Paris cuisine. I'm also noticing that everything I've eaten tastes incredibly good, so fresh, amazingly flavorful without being overly filling. ...

13th May 2010

Why Does This Chef Want You To Know His Chef Secrets?

Whether you take cooking classes in person or from an online course, it's important to understand the significance of the chef's knife. In fact, one of the 5 Chef Secrets that professionals use to create amazing meals at home and on the job is the use of ...

20th April 2010

What To Do After You’ve Discovered Your Recipe Book is Lying to You

Let's say that you are depending on a teacher or a mentor…someone you trust. What would happen if you found out that they're not telling the truth, or at least, they aren't telling you the whole truth? If you're depending on a book to teach you a new ki...

16th April 2010

Are You Cooking Meals from a Broken Cookbook

"Burn your recipes!" If you've been following me for any amount of time now, you've heard me utter that statement time and time again. It's not that I'm entirely against using recipes for home cooking, it's more because I see cooking meals as a personal a...