Author Details

Jacqui Q

Member Since: 19th September 2008
No of Articles: 23
About Me:


25th March 2009

Thinking about Switching to a VoIP Service?

Individuals or businesses who use the telephone a great deal will know how much telephone calls can cost, especially if they are overseas or long distance calls. With this in mind many people will opt for a telephone service plan that is as low-cost as po...

25th March 2009

How Can a Voip Provider Help You?

When you have some friends who live in other countries it can be very difficult to keep in touch with them. E-mails and social networking sites are great to share letters and photographs, but sometimes you actually want to hear the person's voice, to spea...

22nd March 2009

Everyone Wants to Watch Bleach!

Want to Watch Bleach? Who doesn't?! Bleach is probably the most famous series of the latest Youth Culture, known as anime. Millions of people, all around the world, are already enjoying Bleach, and all the other great movies and series available. But,...

22nd March 2009

Watch Anime Online - Japanese Animation at it’s Best

How good is anime? Better than good, that's why so many people are abandoning their televisions sets to watch these great movies online. If you're a dedicated fan already, you've probably noticed, there just isn't enough to go around. Not on any of the...

22nd March 2009

Watch Anime Free! -

Did you know? You can Watch Anime Free online. Well, if you didn't, you do now! Millions of people all around the world love Anime. For many, it needs no definition or distinction. But plenty of people are discovering it, for the first time, every da...

22nd March 2009

Should Kids Be Exposed to Hollywood gossip?

Hollywood gossip. There's no escaping it. From online sources such as and to print magazines such as US Weekly and People Magazine, it's everywhere these days. People just can't get enough of Brittany or Lindsay. So what do kids th...

22nd March 2009

Are You Hooked on Hollywood gossip?

Are you like millions of other people who are hooked on Hollywood gossip? Lucky for all of the Hollywood gossip junkies out there, you have many places you can go for your daily fix of what's hot and what's not when it comes to celebrities. In recent ...

22nd March 2009

Are You a Hollywood Gossip Junkie?

Are you one of those people who can't resist looking at the latest Hollywood gossip headlines? Do you hope that your cashier will take just a little bit longer with the person in front of you so you can finish reading the news on the front page of the tab...