Author Details

tedd woods

Member Since: 23rd December 2010
No of Articles: 178
About Me:


28th February 2011

Plastic Surgery - Know the Benifits of Before and After Photos

One of the most common aspects that many people think of when considering plastic surgery is the concept of before and after photos. To some, they might seem unnecessary, but most people who have had procedures done in the past know the importance of taki...

28th February 2011

Chemical peels are a cosmetic treatment used to improve and smooth the texture of facial skin

Chemical peels have been a popular cosmetic technique that has been tested by time. Millions of Americans get yearly chemical peels in order to rejuvenate the look of their skin and reduce tell tale signs of aging. Women used to have to endure the cold an...

28th February 2011

The Vi Peel is a "next generation" chemical skin peel

There are only a handful of people who have perfect skin. Lucky them, right? As for the rest of us, we have to deal with a variety of skin problems. Fine lines, wrinkles, acne cysts, acne scarring, skin discoloration, sun-damage, etc. The list is endless....

25th February 2011

Doctors rely on two areas of expertise to give you the best looking face

Facial dermal fillers are fast becoming the most popular way to get rid of unwanted lines and wrinkles. This non-surgical procedure enhances your overall facial appearance leaving you looking years younger. Think about it. Have you ever thought about h...

25th February 2011

Breast and Body Surgery before the Wedding

Wedding planning can be a stressful time - flowers, table favors, invitations, location, and the honeymoon. For many people, it can be downright overwhelming. On top of that, many brides and grooms are trying to prep to look their best for the big day. So...

25th February 2011

Botox Cosmetic Eliminates Wrinkles but can do so Much More

A lot of people compare BOTOX to Restylane, but this is really a big mistake. Comparing BOTOX and Restylane is just like comparing apples to oranges. Apples and oranges are edible fruits and that's just about where the similarities end. Likewise Restylane...

24th February 2011

How Are Restylane", Juvederm", Radiesse", Sculptra" and Perlane" Used To Correct Facial Aging?

Restylane", Juvederm", Radiesse", Sculptra" and Perlane" are fillers which can be injected beneath the skin to remove facial lines, fill depressed areas and actually lift the skin in some areas. These fillers can dramatically rejuvenate the facial appeara...

24th February 2011

Difference Between Botox and Juvederm - Both cosmetic treatments have been approved by the FDA

Botox injectable botulinum toxin is the leading non-surgical anti-wrinkle treatment in the country. In 2008, over 2.4 million patients received botulinum injections. However, there are a variety of other dermal injections available to treat fine lines, wr...

24th February 2011

This new technique uses dermal fillers to fill out facial features

Want to rejuvenate your face without getting a full-scale face lift? The thought of a knife cutting the edges of your face and tissue getting rearranged might be a little scary for some folks. That's why there's now the "liquid face lift." This is a new n...

24th February 2011

Juvederm is a liquid gel made of Hyaluronic Acid that give u younger look

One of the growing trends in cosmetic medicine is that fewer people are getting surgery and are choosing the newer non-surgical cosmetic techniques instead. One of the most popular non-surgical procedures is the "Liquid Facelift". This term actual refers ...

24th February 2011

Why Our Faces Begin to Look Older use Liquid Face Lift Minimal Down Time Facelift.

Do you look in the mirror and see your mother or father looking back at you? We all inherit our facial features and we all at some point begin to age and our face reminds us of one or both of our aging parents. That's OK, but not when we are in our late ...

08th February 2011

Botox Orange County

Botox Cosmetic is commonly used to reduce or eliminate the appearance of facial wrinkles. Made from a purified protein, BOTOX injections have the ability to relax the muscles reducing contractions that cause wrinkles, giving the face a rejuvenated younger...

08th February 2011

Orange County Laser Resurfacing

It has taken a generation, but laser treatments are now so specific and user friendly that their procedures now bring better results to the Aesthetic and beauty industry than ever before. At Platinum Medical Spa we pride ourselves on using state of the ar...